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If you enjoy baseball & making money
This is the place for you

Let us train you to be a baseball umpire

We have thousands of games in nassau & Suffolk
over three seasons from april through november

A great way to stay ahead of inflation

if you know the game, we get you started rather quickly. We first send you all the needed material for safe-paced study. then we have on-field mechanics classes. in the meantime, you can get you uniform and equipment, and get ready to go.

What you allow is what will continue.

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Contact Us

For those individuals and leagues that have questions that are not answered by our About page, please choose the link and send us an email.

Join Now

Once you have completed your research and are ready to hit the field, click the link below to enter your contact information.

Certification Course

If you are someone interested in becoming an umpire but have no prior experience, please take a look at our certification course page.

Umpire Sections

Password required

It is very important to know the rules better than everyone else on the field. Please see rules here.


Weather it is a player, coach or parent that is ejected. It is crucial to keep track of the offenders.


It is important to look as professional as possible. Take the field with fresh new uniforms.

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